A new way to inspire people
to choose their next travel destination
Winner project of Reply Creative Challenge 2021
My main role:
UI / UX designer
User researcher
My secondary role:
Digital prototype creator
How to inspire people
for their next destinations?
Everyone at least once in their life has struggled with choosing his next travel destination, never finding a better place to go on holiday and getting very frustrated by it, so easyJet, through the Reply Creative Challenge 2021 , asked us to answer to this question: How to inspire people for their next destinations?
After accepting this challenge, we conducted a research discovering that what really drives people is not a destination but the experience that a place can give them. So we asked ourselves, if people seek for emotions, what if they could find inspiration from them? From this, in just 2 days, easyDream was born.
1. Benchmarking and questionnaire
The preliminary research has been divided into two activities: benchmarking of existing solutions and a questionnaire shared with a good breadth of users.
After that we defined our personas, finding out the starting point for our concept: “People look for experiences, not destinations!”
2. Define the concept
Our concept mainly wants to consider the kind of experience the user expects, presenting moods, activities and travel plans, instead of just sterile destinations, flights and packages.
What the user (and his friends or family) will have to do is just to like or dislike those moods from the easyDream Mobile application or website. Thanks to AI the service will find the perfect solution for the user.
3. Prototype
The main goal of easyDream is to give the possibility to each single user to easily book the destination of his dreams. For this reason we built the app architecture in such a way as to allow the user to reach their goals in a few taps.
Then we prototype our idea using Figma and ProtoPie.
4. Presentation of the project and… win!
Among 170 teams around the world, easyJet chose our project to participate in the Reply Creative Challenge 2021 final, presenting our project in a live YouTube broadcast, competing against 9 other teams.
The jury chose our project as the winner and we had the opportunity to meet the managers of easyJet's UX-UI department... Now we are waiting and hoping that the company will implement easyDream!
Find out more about the project and
try the prototype here!
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